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Linda Preston
Meditation Instructor
Energy, Kabbalistic, and Reiki Master Healer/Facilitator
LMT, Neuromuscular Massage & Craniosacral Therapist
Aromatherapy Consultant
Need a Healing Retreat? Reach out to me. We can create one for you and your group.
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Kabbalistic Healing
(Non-dual Healing)
Transformational Healing Work
Do you feel stuck in your life? Do some of your issues keep you in place, while you try to change things and they just cannot seem to change? Are you beginning to notice patterns in your life, yet don’t know what to do about it? Is your psychotherapy taking you through changes, but only so far? Are you looking for more spiritual connection in your life and your religion isn’t getting you there?
Perhaps you can relate to one or more of these questions.
If so, I am here to assist you. As a Kabbalistic Healer, I am versed in a non-dualistic approach to healing. To do this allows us to enlarge our field of perception to include all things, desirable and undesirable. When this occurs, judgment is replaced by discernment, resistance is replaced with acceptance, and ease in the body can find its place. This enables healing to take place in a very different way than you may anticipate.
This healing uses the Mystical Kabbalistic Tree of Life as the sacred map to the human psyche, which embodies the entirety of our existence, from our deepest roots to our highest soarings in the realms of soul and spirit.
When you come to visit me for a session, because I am able to hold this structured yet spacious awareness within my psyche, and you will be brought into an energy field that is very subtle which turns on a level of that awareness in you as well. This will allow you to share things in discussion with me that were not always in your conscious mind before the session, but magically emerge when we are sitting together; in just the right and divine way needed for that moment in time.
This format is relational healing. So if you have suffered in relationships, recently or very long ago, and still feel hurt by them, this healing can be an enlightening and freeing experience for you.
The Kabbalistc Healing Sessions, which are psychologically based, include a confidential and comprehensive discussion, held in safety and sacredness, energy healing transmission through presence, touch, or meditation to complete the process for that place you are in that day for your journey thus far. This transmission fills the blueprint of your being allowing a shift and change toward wholeness, gradually over time, to allow gentle assimilation to take place.

Rabbi Isaac Luria, a Jewish Mystic, said to be angelic, developed a kabbalistic system of knowledge and devotion, as well as his widely used version of the Tree of Life.

The Lurianic Tree of Life
Medieval Kabbalistic Rabbi
touching the Tree of Life.
"Every created thing possesses a
"spark" of divine energy
that constitutes its essence
and soul. When a person utilizes
something toward a G-dly end,
he brings to light this divine
spark, manifesting and realizing
the purpose for which it was
created. In all physical substances,
a material "husk" encases
and conceals the divine spark
at its core, necessitating great
effort on the part of the man to
access the spark without becoming
enmeshed in the surface materiality.
No existence is devoid of a
divine spark -- indeed, nothing can
exist without the pinpoint of
G-dliness that imbues it with
being and purpose..."
Kabbalistic Rabbi Isaac Luria
I am a 1996 graduate of A Society of Souls (ASOS), a 3 - year training for Kabbalistic Healers, based in Princeton, New Jersey. Over the the next 7 years I continued to pursue advanced study, supervision and eventually served as an assistant teacher at the school.
My teacher and the founder of ASOS, Jason Shulman has said, "When we heal, our history ceases to be the sole arbiter
of reality."
In keeping with this philosophy, we might ask ourselves what
does it mean to heal? To begin with, what must occur is the discovery of our
relational wounds which cause our suffering and limitation in life. This is done through "the healing relationship" with the Kabbalistic Healer, as client and healer join together as co-detectives in exploration, integration, and eventually wholeness, or healing. Wounds occur in relationship, and therefore can only be healed within relationship.
With my training as a Kabbalistic Healing Facilitator, I have a unique healing
modality at my fingertips. Through years of study, practice and meditation,
I have been developing a deeply intimate relationship with the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which allows me to enter divine states of
consciousness. "The Tree" is representative of the blueprint for the universe,
(the macrocosm), as well as the human psyche, (the microcosm). This provides
a map to understanding our wounds, and therefore our healing journey. The elements of "the tree" are truly emanations of light, and all of the energetic healings come from these emanations.
To have a longing to be well, to heal, is to have a longing for Ultimate Truth,
Source, or God. Kabbalistic Healing can bring us into direct contact with Source through touching the tree of life and its divine emanations. It is here we find the ability to hold our wounds as well as the divine energies which weave together the dualistic nature of our humanness into a non-dual tapestry that fosters wholeness on every level of our being.* The human condition becomes the holy ground upon which we heal. I invite you to take the journey. It would be my privilege to assist you.
Many Blessings,
Linda Preston